Still not ready yet |
New comic books still haven't been released by QEW Publishing in nearly a year now. The in-house standard established of new releases being made available at the end of the first quarter of every new year has become plagued with unfortunate delays. The QPQ 2017 2nd Quarter blog reported that new releases would be pushed to the end of 2017 3rd Quarter instead. Sadly, however, this is still not the case. The two books tapped for release, BLOOD & SILVER #4 and THE GIFTED #1 are still in their respective production phases. So a decision has been made to now push these new releases even further to the end of 2018 1st Quarter, March 31, 2018. While this action will certainly extend production time for the books, this new 2018 1st Quarter release date could grant a fresh start at rekindling QEW Publishing's in-house standard.
Back-ordered sales rock! |
QEW Publishing had a pleasant and engaging experience at Rose City Comicon 2017 in Portland, Oregon. It was at this particular 3-day event that a new policy was offered and enacted on the spot. This new option is to fulfill back-ordered requests for any printed editions that were either sold out or currently unavailable there among QEW Publishing's on-hand, showcase stock. Customers were simply required to provide their names, street addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses, so that an invoice itemizing their requests could be submitted to them. A couple of these invoices have already been remitted. Print-On-Demand services that are available these days really helps make processing these back-ordered invoices very easy. QEW Publishing just has to ensure that each of these orders are produced and delivered to customers in a timely manner. So there will certainly be some greater advocacy for applying this new option during future convention events.
Character Model Melissa McQueen |
There had once been a few rays of hope that artist, Cristian David Navarro, would finally help usher the P.I. McQUEEN graphic novella into fruition, but he has sadly already terminated his agreement contract. Navarro's illustrative style had initially appeared to be the fitting element for the project, but his sequential art page layouts and his application of inks needed some necessary editorial revisions. However, rather than comply with making these revisions, Navarro instead elected to end his commission. There is a silver lining to what's occurred here, albeit, it's a hair-thin one. Having managed to produce only two pages of story art. Navarro's early abdication hasn't left the project too much in an inertial lurch. QEW Publishing saves its monetary costs and P.I. McQUEEN's noted character model, Melissa McQueen, remains graciously supportive.
Lots of rewriting required |
Last year it was decided that this developing project would be officially placed on the Active TDL (To-Do List), but production for it has been stalled and there's been very little indication of any improvement with its progress. Locating an artist with a fitting illustrative style for NIGHTMARIUM has been difficult and the scripting produced by aspiring young writer, Carmen Lopez, is in need of numerous and necessary revisions to re-do the visual layouts for a number of actual interior story art pages. NIGHTMARIUM will continue to remain on the Active TDL. Once all the required work on the scripting is done, the search for an artist should resume accordingly.
Positive progress for this project has been a long time coming. REPO KATZ's production has been going great. Penciling artist, Hakan Aydin, has successfully produced nearly half of the total story pages comprising the project. Recently Bernard Lee has offered to ply his skills as inker. This also is pleasing news for its noted character models, Svetlana and Tatyana (appearing above here in an earlier promotional video ad). Since REPO KATZ is now intended to be released as a full-length graphic novel, the goal of having one-fourth of the book inked, colored, and lettered is being targeted. Plans could be developed to release this particular portion as an e-edition marketing prop for the actual TPB printed edition. An offering of pre-orders for it could also even help achieve some early sales.
Early rendering of the character, YO-YO |
No other comic production has seen more multiple restarts here than YO-YO. After the dissolution of the last creative team attempting to produce it, the project had been thrust into an indefinite inactive status, where it's been for the last several years. And then most recently the most unusual thing of YO-YO's earlier contracted artists, Alfonso Ruiz, reached out from the past and actually offered to resurrect YO-YO's production again. He was taken up on his offer with a resounding, yes. QEW Publishing wants to avoid looking the proverbial gift horse in the mouth, but some serious scrutiny will have to be applied this time around. A goal to have one-fourth portion of the interior penciled story be completed by the end of this upcoming November will be set. A new posting about YO-YO's revived production will be placed on the active Patreon campaign. QEW Publishing sees that this as a new opportunity to see this comic's ultimate completion.
Official ZMZ logo (Red Version) |
ZOMBIES MINUS ZERO has had a Go Fund Me campaign since its inception, but efforts promoting it effectively has sadly become stagnant. QEW Publishing has decided to reach out to (click link) Lucid Frame Productions to help rekindle those efforts. This company produces short, promotional video ads--particularly video ads for comics. QEW Publishing has tapped this enterprise to produce one for ZOMBIES MINUS ZERO. LFP's co-founder, Tricia Martin, says that she'll be ready to move forward on it. A script for the video ad has already been drafted. Now only an operating budget and materials required for submission to LFP are needed. Friends and fans are humbly asked to pledge any support of this endeavor they wish right here at: ZOMBIES MINUS ZERO Go Fund Me Campaign.
It had been originally intended that QEW Publishing would only be attending four conventions this year. After having attended Lilac City Comicon in Spokane, Washington in the spring and most recently Rose City Comicon in Portland, Oregon, QEW Publishing will have to scrap efforts to attending one of these conventions. That event is the Jet City Comic Show in Tacoma, Washington in November. QEW Publishing will, however, be exhibiting at the one-day event, Bellingham Comicon in Ferndale, Washington in October. Lagging logistical and financial resources have had significant impact on the marketing efforts, which is what essentially these events are for promoting the comics. It's true there is strength in numbers. Friends and fans are humbly asked to pledge their support here: QEW Publishing's Patreon Campaign.
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