Thursday, June 29, 2017



Comics and graphic novels at Hills of Comics in Auburn, WA
After years of failed starts, sudden stops, abandonment and returning again and again, QEW Publishing's marketing/sales program dubbed, Retailers Round-Up has finally been successfully implemented. The long, back-and-forth delays were mainly due to the challenges of having limited storage capacity for printed works and a reluctance to engage prospective retailers directly with hard-sell styled, cold calling tactics. The Retailers Round-Up program has instead been revised to a 2-year plan with a focus on marketing and sales of QEW Publishing's comics and graphic novels. For the first year, selected retailers will be provided an initial, complimentary portion of marketing stock to help establish a branding bedrock needed for QEW Publishing among retailers. The following second year will emphasize cultivating these retailers to register with QEW Publishing as consistent wholesale buyers. The success of Retailers Round-Up so far is evident among the following comic book retailers here in the state of Washington where QEW Publishing is based: Hills of Comics in Auburn, Gabi's Olympic Cards & Comics in Lacey, and Danger Room in Olympia.


"Dang it! Missed it again!"
Sadly, some major setbacks have occurred with QEW Publishing's efforts releasing two new publications annually after the first quarter of every new year. After last first quarterly release deadline was missed, the QPQ (QEW Publishing Quarterly) blog here had reported that the deadline had been pushed to the end of the 2017 2nd Quarter. Unfortunately, the lettering process for both BLOOD & SILVER #4 and THE GIFTED #1 have hit something of a production snag, leaving them still unprepared for a timely 2017 2nd Quarter release date. So once again, the deadline is push forward, and this time, to the end of the 2017 3rd Quarter. This will allow for time for the lettering and editing to get done and for pre-press specs to be met for printing before September 30, 2017.


Despite a brief hiatus away from the comic convention circuit during most of last year, QEW Publishing took to it again like a fish to water at the 2-day event, Lilac City Comicon 2017. QEW Publishing is now preparing for the 3-day Rose City Comicon 2017 in Portland, Oregon, scheduled September 8-10th. The replenishment of showcase stock and budgeting for travel and lodging must be achieved first. The developing graphic horror novel, THE BUGS NEXT DOOR, is intended to be spotlighted there. Pages of its interior story art will be there on display as well as QEW Publishing's special guest, Maria Cedar, the character model cast as the comic's main character. All of these goals are expected to be accomplished by the end of August.


Narayan Baidya
ZOMBIES MINUS ZERO #1 was published and released seven years ago and then its production had gradually become stalled indefinitely. ZMZ #1's artist, Kyle Shold, had been only committed to finishing the production to the first issue, and the Go Fund Me campaign established for it never has reached its goal for funding production for issues 2-12. Thankfully, Narayan Baidya has happily elected to join the ZMZ creative team as its new penciling artist. Although currently working on the fantasy graphic novel, MAGISPHERE, Narayan had expressed a keen and sincere interest in this zombie-themed project, and is set to proceed with ZMZ as soon as he's done. So it appears that ZMZ creators, Isaiah Jenson and Quenton Shaw, will be going over previous story plot notes to resume scripting for this ambitious mini-series.


The production of this particular project was almost jeopardized. Juan Manual Hernandez had started out with some promising potential as THE BUG NEXT DOOR's penciling artist, but had quickly run into some unfortunate personal issues before becoming semi-incommunicado. So collaborations with him had to be ended to replace him with Rowel Roque. Roque had been been an applicant to QEW Publishing as a prospective penciling illustrator back in July 2015. Ever since signing on board to the QEW Crew, he's been refreshingly productive, having already completed and submitted pages 1-3 of penciled and inked story art with pages 4-6 also very soon afterwards! At his current pace, Rowel should be able to have produced plenty of more compelling story art to showcase at the upcoming Rose City Comicon 2017 in Portland, Oregon.


HELLION Issues 1-4
The continued production of Jim Savard's creator-owned horror mini-series, HELLION, has been one QEW Publishing's most stellar achievements. The project has had its fair share of setbacks mainly revolving around Team Hellion, the comic's creative team. There had been the earlier replacement of a few colorists and most recently the replacement of its long-time inker. Despite all of these pitfalls here and there, HELLION issues 1-4 have still managed to be published and released. Penciling artist, Phillip Q. Hudson, maintains his due diligence, producing and delivering pages of story art to QEW HQ. New inking artist, Bernard Lee, who has timely signed aboard Team Hellion to ply his much needed skills to HELLION #5, which should be completed by July 30th.


Since mentioning this comic project in the previous QPQ blog edition, MASTER 2 MASTER's production has amazingly taken off like wild fire. Initially conceived as part of QEW Publishing's ambition to create and produce three comics with themes steeped in the genre of martial arts, MASTER 2 MASTER's premise had stoked the interest of veteran artist, Mick Nave, who has eagerly wanted to collaborate with QEW Publishing for years. After happily hopping aboard the QEW Crew, Mick has already managed to produce 1-4 pages of fantastic penciled and inked story art! Even though this project's story is still in its earliest developmental phase, there is confidence progress with its production will continue to ensue. Mick has expressed a sincere commitment to see MASTER 2 MASTER to its ultimate fruition even while its story remains in the midst of its composition. A tentative deadline for completion by December 2018 is currently in play.


James Anthony Little
In the spirit of creating a new black male lead character as a cinematic homage to John Shaft (SHAFT), Andre Shame (A LOW DOWN DIRTY SHAME), and Jericho Jackson (ACTION JACKSON), QEW Publishing will begin developing works to produce a new graphic novel, SPIRO JONES. It will feature an erstwhile US Army soldier and police officer-turned private detective, whose personal life as a seasoned investigator is also faceted by his lifestyle as a partial owner of a lucrative pawn shop, the lead singer of R&B Funk band, and a music producer. James Anthony Little is the inspiration for the character and is the chosen character model as the basis for Spiro Jones. Though not a former police officer or a detective himself, Little is actually still somewhat like the character. He, too, is a US military veteran, the lead singer of a band, and even a music producer as well. Little is also an avid fan of comics. Such is his enthusiasm about being the inspiring figure for Spiro Jones, he has composed and produced a raw and untitled, but engaging musical score that is rhythmically fitting as a theme for this developing project. The score itself can be listened to via this "jazz hop" link here .


REPO KATZ Penciled Cover Art
Despite the multitudes of delays and setbacks since its inception, the production for this 4-part, action-adventure mini-series, REPO KATZ, has miraculously continued to proceed forward. This is mainly due to a couple of consistent feats of achievement. The scripts continue to be produced and Hakan Aydin maintains his efforts with producing and submitting penciled story art for the project. Inking for REPO KATZ can actually began right away, but there's a technical delay regarding acquiring an inker first. Then there's the matter of QEW Publishing's official Active TDL (To-Do List) allowing for the inking process to be implemented. REPO KATZ features the collaborative character models, Svetlana and Tatyana, and though it was initially intended to be ultimately released as 4-part mini-series, it will now be published and released as a full-length graphic novel instead.


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