Sunday, December 31, 2017



To keep in touch better with its QEW Crew, QEW Publishing has recently enacted a new policy of bi-weekly communications. This policy is mainly for those commissioned artists currently producing projects on the Active To-Do List. All of them have responded in kind and report how they're each still focused on their respective tasks. Progress is gradually being achieved. Bi-weekly communications becoming the new standard is a very important decision. Maintaining such frequent contact is an obvious good objective that could also help strengthen the QEW Crew's cohesion, and contribute greatly to the encouragement to meeting crucial deadlines.


Efforts to meeting the standard of releasing new comic books on the first quarter of every new year have sadly been slacking. QEW Publishing had failed to meet its March 31, 2017 release date. This was mostly due to a major reduction of available production funds compounded by some personal in-house hardships within QEW HQ. However, there's a renewed ambition to release three new comics by March 31, 2018. BLOOD & SILVER #4, THE GIFTED #1, and DARK POWERS #1 are the three comics that have been selected. Each of these comics will initially be published as e-comic editions while their printed edition versions would be made available later.


Page 2 Inked Story Art by Esther Short
QEW Publishing couldn't be any more pleased and happier with the production of this latest developing werewolf comic! Its young and newest QEW Crew member, Esther Short, has been doing a wonderful job with her first penciling/inking commission on BEAUTIFUL BEAST. The production is for a 56-page graphic novella. Esther's recent submissions of her completion for pages 1 and 2 of interior story art indicates that she's committed to plying the highest level of her talent to this project. BEAUTIFUL BEAST has had several setbacks that have stalled its production in the past. The project even once had a live character model collaborating as the main character before she chose to leave it, and the difficulty of locating a replacement artist had delayed it even further. Esther's involvement now could thankfully make all the difference.


Initial Concept Cover Art by Peter White
It was way back in 2006 when this original, 6-part comic saga about a lone vampire had first been conceived and developed. Peter White had been the artist who had signed on to produce all strata of the art that would have comprised it. Overtime, though, challenges to his interest in it and his adherence to the project had gradually begun to fade, and then he began to pursue other artistic pursuits. 1,000-YEAR NIGHT would not see any further serious attempt at its production for ten years. But then right around the Thanksgiving holiday season of this year, Peter reaches out to QEW HQ. Now the owner of his own established enterprise, Studio Whiterock, Peter had expressed some sincere interest in reconnecting for a possible collaboration on a comic project. The idea of resuming production on 1,000-YEAR NIGHT was suggested. So if all goes as expected and agreed upon, the production could possibly resume by May 2018.


P.I. McQUEEN Character Model, Melissa McQueen
No doubt that losing two talented artists in relatively rapid succession has set this project's production back dramatically. After that had occurred, it was decided P.I. McQUEEN's production would have to be temporarily assigned to an inactive status. Operational funding was already limited and strained. QEW Publishing's Active To-Do List was also slightly expanded beyond its strictly recommended capacity of listed active projects. But being determined to see this graphic novella into fruition, an ad post to Digital Webbing was decided. After well over a dozen reviews of applicant submissions, Antonio Goulart has now signed on P.I. McQUEEN's new penciler/inker. So now there is hope to make-up for the shortcomings that have impacted this project's production. 


QEW Publishing has elected to reach out to comic book publisher, Action Lab Entertainment to inquire about submissions. QEW Publishing is indeed first and foremost focused upon producing and publishing comics under its own imprint with its numerous developing intellectual properties, and over a dozen, or more comics being actively produced. However, as a huge supporter of the collaborative expansion of networking, such a venture could help serve to strengthen rapport for the future. So now there's a plan to select three of QEW Publishing's IPs, develop them, and submit them to Action Lab. Of course, there is the possibility of rejection. There are no guarantees in the publishing business, but neither are there rewards without some expected risks.


Emerald Comics Distro is an independent, Seattle-based comics distributor that is owned and managed by Anne Bean. QEW Publishing received a cordial and engaging response from her after initially contacting her during the hubbub of the approaching Christmas holiday. Anne presents a comprehensive three-phase plan to grow her distributorship from the Pacific Northwest to eventually nationwide. QEW Publishing has submitted its comic titles, ZEVON7, CODY COYOTE, and DIABOLICUS to Anne to review for her consideration to distribute them. G. Scott Tomlin, the owner of Comics Dungeon in Seattle, Washington, was who referred Emerald Comics Distro during QEW Publishing's exhibition at this year's Bellingham Comicon event in Ferndale, Washington. With Diamond Distributors, Inc.being one of the biggest obstacles for small press indie publishers to attain effective distribution, and with the financially draining efforts of the Retailers Round-Up campaign, a prospective alternative offering an efficient option would be most welcomed and appreciated.


Less conventions than when previously established
2017 was a year for attending and exhibiting at fewer comic conventions. When it was first established, QEW Publishing had always intended to exhibit at as many shows as financially possible. The shows have always been a wonderful venue for showcasing and selling its comics. These events have provided numerous opportunities to interact with comic industry colleagues, connect with fans and new admirers, and also be a great source for collaborative networking. QEW Publishing only attended three conventions this year: Lilac City Comicon in Spokane, Washington, Rose City Comicon in Portland, Oregon, and Bellingham Comicon in Ferndale, Washington. The lack of financial resources is naturally the most crucial factor. Revenue streaming is sadly nil from both retail and wholesale sales. But there's no capitulation to these circumstances for lacking show attendance. QEW Publishing will continue to make every effort it can to attend these events when it can and where ever it can. 


Saturday, September 30, 2017



Still not ready yet
New comic books still haven't been released by QEW Publishing in nearly a year now. The in-house standard established of new releases being made available at the end of the first quarter of every new year has become plagued with unfortunate delays. The QPQ 2017 2nd Quarter blog reported that new releases would be pushed to the end of 2017 3rd Quarter instead. Sadly, however, this is still not the case. The two books tapped for release, BLOOD & SILVER #4 and THE GIFTED #1 are still in their respective production phases. So a decision has been made to now push these new releases even further to the end of 2018 1st Quarter, March 31, 2018. While this action will certainly extend production time for the books, this new 2018 1st Quarter release date could grant a fresh start at rekindling QEW Publishing's in-house standard.


Back-ordered sales rock!
QEW Publishing had a pleasant and engaging experience at Rose City Comicon 2017 in Portland, Oregon. It was at this particular 3-day event that a new policy was offered and enacted on the spot. This new option is to fulfill back-ordered requests for any printed editions that were either sold out or currently unavailable there among QEW Publishing's on-hand, showcase stock. Customers were simply required to provide their names, street addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses, so that an invoice itemizing their requests could be submitted to them. A couple of these invoices have already been remitted. Print-On-Demand services that are available these days really helps make processing these back-ordered invoices very easy. QEW Publishing just has to ensure that each of these orders are produced and delivered to customers in a timely manner. So there will certainly be some greater advocacy for applying this new option during future convention events.


Character Model Melissa McQueen
There had once been a few rays of hope that artist, Cristian David Navarro, would finally help usher the P.I. McQUEEN graphic novella into fruition, but he has sadly already terminated his agreement contract. Navarro's illustrative style had initially appeared to be the fitting element for the project, but his sequential art page layouts and his application of inks needed some necessary editorial revisions. However, rather than comply with making these revisions, Navarro instead elected to end his commission. There is a silver lining to what's occurred here, albeit, it's a hair-thin one. Having managed to produce only two pages of story art. Navarro's early abdication hasn't left the project too much in an inertial lurch. QEW Publishing saves its monetary costs and P.I. McQUEEN's noted character model, Melissa McQueen, remains graciously supportive.


Lots of rewriting required
Last year it was decided that this developing project would be officially placed on the Active TDL (To-Do List), but production for it has been stalled and there's been very little indication of any improvement with its progress. Locating an artist with a fitting illustrative style for NIGHTMARIUM has been difficult and the scripting produced by aspiring young writer, Carmen Lopez, is in need of numerous and necessary revisions to re-do the visual layouts for a number of actual interior story art pages. NIGHTMARIUM will continue to remain on the Active TDL. Once all the required work on the scripting is done, the search for an artist should resume accordingly.


Positive progress for this project has been a long time coming. REPO KATZ's production has been going great. Penciling artist, Hakan Aydin, has successfully produced nearly half of the total story pages comprising the project. Recently Bernard Lee has offered to ply his skills as inker. This also is pleasing news for its noted character models, Svetlana and Tatyana (appearing above here in an earlier promotional video ad). Since REPO KATZ is now intended to be released as a full-length graphic novel, the goal of having one-fourth of the book inked, colored, and lettered is being targeted. Plans could be developed to release this particular portion as an e-edition marketing prop for the actual TPB printed edition. An offering of pre-orders for it could also even help achieve some early sales.


Early rendering of the character, YO-YO
No other comic production has seen more multiple restarts here than YO-YO. After the dissolution of the last creative team attempting to produce it, the project had been thrust into an indefinite inactive status, where it's been for the last several years. And then most recently the most unusual thing of YO-YO's earlier contracted artists, Alfonso Ruiz, reached out from the past and actually offered to resurrect YO-YO's production again. He was taken up on his offer with a resounding, yes. QEW Publishing wants to avoid looking the proverbial gift horse in the mouth, but some serious scrutiny will have to be applied this time around. A goal to have one-fourth portion of the interior penciled story be completed by the end of this upcoming November will be set. A new posting about YO-YO's revived production will be placed on the active Patreon campaign. QEW Publishing sees that this as a new opportunity to see this comic's ultimate completion.


Official ZMZ logo (Red Version)
ZOMBIES MINUS ZERO has had a Go Fund Me campaign since its inception, but efforts promoting it effectively has sadly become stagnant. QEW Publishing has decided to reach out to (click link) Lucid Frame Productions to help rekindle those efforts. This company produces short, promotional video ads--particularly video ads for comics. QEW Publishing has tapped this enterprise to produce one for ZOMBIES MINUS ZERO. LFP's co-founder, Tricia Martin, says that she'll be ready to move forward on it. A script for the video ad has already been drafted. Now only an operating budget and materials required for submission to LFP are needed. Friends and fans are humbly asked to pledge any support of this endeavor they wish right here at: ZOMBIES MINUS ZERO Go Fund Me Campaign.


It had been originally intended that QEW Publishing would only be attending four conventions this year. After having attended Lilac City Comicon in Spokane, Washington in the spring and most recently Rose City Comicon in Portland, Oregon, QEW Publishing will have to scrap efforts to attending one of these conventions. That event is the Jet City Comic Show in Tacoma, Washington in November. QEW Publishing will, however, be exhibiting at the one-day event, Bellingham Comicon in Ferndale, Washington in October. Lagging logistical and financial resources have had significant impact on the marketing efforts, which is what essentially these events are for promoting the comics. It's true there is strength in numbers. Friends and fans are humbly asked to pledge their support here: QEW Publishing's Patreon Campaign


Thursday, June 29, 2017



Comics and graphic novels at Hills of Comics in Auburn, WA
After years of failed starts, sudden stops, abandonment and returning again and again, QEW Publishing's marketing/sales program dubbed, Retailers Round-Up has finally been successfully implemented. The long, back-and-forth delays were mainly due to the challenges of having limited storage capacity for printed works and a reluctance to engage prospective retailers directly with hard-sell styled, cold calling tactics. The Retailers Round-Up program has instead been revised to a 2-year plan with a focus on marketing and sales of QEW Publishing's comics and graphic novels. For the first year, selected retailers will be provided an initial, complimentary portion of marketing stock to help establish a branding bedrock needed for QEW Publishing among retailers. The following second year will emphasize cultivating these retailers to register with QEW Publishing as consistent wholesale buyers. The success of Retailers Round-Up so far is evident among the following comic book retailers here in the state of Washington where QEW Publishing is based: Hills of Comics in Auburn, Gabi's Olympic Cards & Comics in Lacey, and Danger Room in Olympia.


"Dang it! Missed it again!"
Sadly, some major setbacks have occurred with QEW Publishing's efforts releasing two new publications annually after the first quarter of every new year. After last first quarterly release deadline was missed, the QPQ (QEW Publishing Quarterly) blog here had reported that the deadline had been pushed to the end of the 2017 2nd Quarter. Unfortunately, the lettering process for both BLOOD & SILVER #4 and THE GIFTED #1 have hit something of a production snag, leaving them still unprepared for a timely 2017 2nd Quarter release date. So once again, the deadline is push forward, and this time, to the end of the 2017 3rd Quarter. This will allow for time for the lettering and editing to get done and for pre-press specs to be met for printing before September 30, 2017.


Despite a brief hiatus away from the comic convention circuit during most of last year, QEW Publishing took to it again like a fish to water at the 2-day event, Lilac City Comicon 2017. QEW Publishing is now preparing for the 3-day Rose City Comicon 2017 in Portland, Oregon, scheduled September 8-10th. The replenishment of showcase stock and budgeting for travel and lodging must be achieved first. The developing graphic horror novel, THE BUGS NEXT DOOR, is intended to be spotlighted there. Pages of its interior story art will be there on display as well as QEW Publishing's special guest, Maria Cedar, the character model cast as the comic's main character. All of these goals are expected to be accomplished by the end of August.


Narayan Baidya
ZOMBIES MINUS ZERO #1 was published and released seven years ago and then its production had gradually become stalled indefinitely. ZMZ #1's artist, Kyle Shold, had been only committed to finishing the production to the first issue, and the Go Fund Me campaign established for it never has reached its goal for funding production for issues 2-12. Thankfully, Narayan Baidya has happily elected to join the ZMZ creative team as its new penciling artist. Although currently working on the fantasy graphic novel, MAGISPHERE, Narayan had expressed a keen and sincere interest in this zombie-themed project, and is set to proceed with ZMZ as soon as he's done. So it appears that ZMZ creators, Isaiah Jenson and Quenton Shaw, will be going over previous story plot notes to resume scripting for this ambitious mini-series.


The production of this particular project was almost jeopardized. Juan Manual Hernandez had started out with some promising potential as THE BUG NEXT DOOR's penciling artist, but had quickly run into some unfortunate personal issues before becoming semi-incommunicado. So collaborations with him had to be ended to replace him with Rowel Roque. Roque had been been an applicant to QEW Publishing as a prospective penciling illustrator back in July 2015. Ever since signing on board to the QEW Crew, he's been refreshingly productive, having already completed and submitted pages 1-3 of penciled and inked story art with pages 4-6 also very soon afterwards! At his current pace, Rowel should be able to have produced plenty of more compelling story art to showcase at the upcoming Rose City Comicon 2017 in Portland, Oregon.


HELLION Issues 1-4
The continued production of Jim Savard's creator-owned horror mini-series, HELLION, has been one QEW Publishing's most stellar achievements. The project has had its fair share of setbacks mainly revolving around Team Hellion, the comic's creative team. There had been the earlier replacement of a few colorists and most recently the replacement of its long-time inker. Despite all of these pitfalls here and there, HELLION issues 1-4 have still managed to be published and released. Penciling artist, Phillip Q. Hudson, maintains his due diligence, producing and delivering pages of story art to QEW HQ. New inking artist, Bernard Lee, who has timely signed aboard Team Hellion to ply his much needed skills to HELLION #5, which should be completed by July 30th.


Since mentioning this comic project in the previous QPQ blog edition, MASTER 2 MASTER's production has amazingly taken off like wild fire. Initially conceived as part of QEW Publishing's ambition to create and produce three comics with themes steeped in the genre of martial arts, MASTER 2 MASTER's premise had stoked the interest of veteran artist, Mick Nave, who has eagerly wanted to collaborate with QEW Publishing for years. After happily hopping aboard the QEW Crew, Mick has already managed to produce 1-4 pages of fantastic penciled and inked story art! Even though this project's story is still in its earliest developmental phase, there is confidence progress with its production will continue to ensue. Mick has expressed a sincere commitment to see MASTER 2 MASTER to its ultimate fruition even while its story remains in the midst of its composition. A tentative deadline for completion by December 2018 is currently in play.


James Anthony Little
In the spirit of creating a new black male lead character as a cinematic homage to John Shaft (SHAFT), Andre Shame (A LOW DOWN DIRTY SHAME), and Jericho Jackson (ACTION JACKSON), QEW Publishing will begin developing works to produce a new graphic novel, SPIRO JONES. It will feature an erstwhile US Army soldier and police officer-turned private detective, whose personal life as a seasoned investigator is also faceted by his lifestyle as a partial owner of a lucrative pawn shop, the lead singer of R&B Funk band, and a music producer. James Anthony Little is the inspiration for the character and is the chosen character model as the basis for Spiro Jones. Though not a former police officer or a detective himself, Little is actually still somewhat like the character. He, too, is a US military veteran, the lead singer of a band, and even a music producer as well. Little is also an avid fan of comics. Such is his enthusiasm about being the inspiring figure for Spiro Jones, he has composed and produced a raw and untitled, but engaging musical score that is rhythmically fitting as a theme for this developing project. The score itself can be listened to via this "jazz hop" link here .


REPO KATZ Penciled Cover Art
Despite the multitudes of delays and setbacks since its inception, the production for this 4-part, action-adventure mini-series, REPO KATZ, has miraculously continued to proceed forward. This is mainly due to a couple of consistent feats of achievement. The scripts continue to be produced and Hakan Aydin maintains his efforts with producing and submitting penciled story art for the project. Inking for REPO KATZ can actually began right away, but there's a technical delay regarding acquiring an inker first. Then there's the matter of QEW Publishing's official Active TDL (To-Do List) allowing for the inking process to be implemented. REPO KATZ features the collaborative character models, Svetlana and Tatyana, and though it was initially intended to be ultimately released as 4-part mini-series, it will now be published and released as a full-length graphic novel instead.


Friday, March 31, 2017



Page 2 of THE GIFTED #1
It's the annual Crunch Time getting new releases ready here at QEW HQ! Trying to get the selected 2017 1st Quarter new comic book picks completed and finished for publication is challenge every year! The art for the selected books, BLOOD & SILVER #4 and THE GIFTED #1, is completely done, but both books still need to be lettered. Since QEW Publishing's previous letterer, Kuen Tang, had been away on a personal hiatus, pending some logistical issues that have yet to be resolved before commissioning her again on other projects. Thankfully new artist and letterer, Miguel Caraballo, has recently been recruited and signed on to join the QEW Crew in timely manner. He's currently lettering BLOOD & SILVER #4, which is a good thing. Unfortunately, however, neither of the books won't be ready on time for the annual release date of March 31st. So it's been decided the 2017 1st Quarter New Releases will be pushed to 2017 2nd Quarter New Releases, scheduled for June 30th. This is indeed a dramatic break in accordance to tradition here QEW Publishing. It's also is a clear indicator how Crunch Time should begin much earlier next year.


There's been lots of angst consisting of head-hammering and hair-pulling here about QEW Publishing's Patreon campaign. To this date, since it's official launch, QEW Publishing only has had one precious Patron gracing its on-going campaign with a monthly pledge (thank you, Jerica Wilson, for your grace). Certainly more pledges are needed. The current campaign status is mostly due to paltry efforts to promote it effectively. QEW Publishing's art director and pre-press publishing producer, Thom Fuegel, has agreed to help resolve this matter. He, too, also strongly believes in the potential benefits Patreon could provide meaningful financial support. There's no doubt QEW Publishing produces indie comics of good quality, some of which, that are now currently available. There are many more comics to create and produce. But acquiring more Patrons to pledge their monthly support could help accomplish the ultimate goal of boosting the production of them all. 


Author JD McGowan has decided to part ways with QEW Publishing. Originally submitting his collection of short stories for consideration for publication and release under the QEW Publishing imprint, JD had been encouraged to write a series of more short stories. The idea had been for him to produce an anthology that would comprise a world he was building. Each tale was based on his own concept about a long-standing family of shapeshifters living and protecting their ancient wooded territory in the Pacific Northwest. JD had successfully managed to complete a total of eighteen short stories with his efforts. QEW Publishing had intended to release them as collective works under the title, THE SECRET OF OLDEN WOODS. However, due to the strict adherence QEW Publishing's Active To-Do List, the machinations of the editorial and prepress production process, it was essentially delayed. JD was not inclined to wait around for an administrative and logistical logjam to clear. So he elected to move on, which is not an entirely bad choice on his part. QEW Publishing is pleasantly supportive of JD's decision. THE SECRET OF OLDEN WOODS is currently available now on Amazon at this active link here: THE SECRET OF OLDEN WOODS link


Maria Cedar
Character model, Maria Cedar, is very pleased with the recent progress report on the developing graphic horror novella, THE BUGS NEXT DOOR. The project's new illustrative artist, Juan Manual Hernandez, had suffered an unfortunate series of setbacks attained as the result of an accident he was involved in, but he has expressed encouraging reassurances to QEW HQ that he remains committed to seeing this production through to its completion. His last report was that he was now plying visual details to page 1, described according to the scripting as a nice, debut splash shot of Maria's featured character. Juan is currently working from a Visual Plot script that only comprises, for now, pages 1-6. The objective here is to have these and hopefully more story art pages completed and ready for showcasing at Rose City Comicon 2017 in Portland, Oregon, where Maria happily will be there as QEW Publishing guest and QEW Gal to promote THE BUGS NEXT DOOR.


QEW Publishing is happy to report that the vampire fiction manuscript for BLOOD ROOT is closer to completion. The rough draft is currently only a little over nine thousand words short of reaching actual novel status, and there only a five or six remaining chapters left to compose. Co-creator Moya Jackie, whose original premise is the basis for this entire project, has happily expressed how pleased and elated she is about this significant level of progress. Her approval of rough Chapters 16-19 has helped to reassure the manuscript's ultimate fruition. So despite the competing interests and rivaling deadlines, draft noting for the remaining chapters will resume. To this date, the BLOOD ROOT rough draft has missed all of its deadline for being wrapped up. While there is extreme reluctance to establish a new deadline, there's plenty of confidence here at QEW Publishing the manuscript will indeed be finished. And then the real writing will finally begin.


Kelly Young
Since its inception, QEW Publishing has had the privilege of working with some very talented commissioned writers. Commissioning writers is a rare action taken here at QEW HQ. It's a difficult and challenging experience trying to locate and recruit a writer, who actually possesses an intrinsic talent at storytelling. Kelly Young is the type of prospective, imaginative, and gifted writer QEW Publishing is hoping to settle with on a possible collaboration. Kelly is an avid HP Lovecraft fan, the executive editor of horror-based, STRANGE AEONS MAGAZINE, a producer of short stories, and an aspiring screenwriter. QEW Publishing easily deems him the quintessential prospect for petitioning to commission. Kelly has been tapped as the prospective writer for a developing horror project, SHE OF GLORIOUS STINGS. He has gladly expressed his admiration for the project's premise and has even suggested some minor alterations. The drafting of a new agreement terms have been completed, but going forward is currently being delayed by QEW HQ's internal accounting and logistical machinations. This is also compounded by Kelly's personal schedule and impending work load. However, as soon as an alignment of timing fall favorably into place, there is the chance that SHE OF GLORIOUS STINGS will undergo full production.


QEW Publishing hasn't exhibited fully along the comic convention circuit since the Jet City Comic Show of 2016 in Tacoma, Washington. Ever since the decision was made to pass indefinitely on attending Emerald City Comicon in Seattle, Washington, QEW Publishing has focused its efforts to make preparations to exhibit at other local conventions instead. Central City Comicon and Wen-Con are new, Washington state-based local conventions that have joyously emerged to help fill the void of more comic-book centric events that haven't been overshadowed by Hollywood. Lilac City Comicon (formerly the Spokane Comicon event) will be the first show QEW Publishing will attend for 2017. Formerly a 1-day event, Lilac City Comicon founder and chief executive, Nathan O'Brian, has now expanded it to a 2-day event. This offers to vendors, exhibitors, and convention attendees an extra full day. It also grants QEW Publishing a great opportunity to showcase its 2017 2nd Quarter New Releases. Character model of horror graphic novel, EAT & RUN, and veteran QEW Gal volunteer, Sarah Williams, will happily also be in attendance, hoping to garner support for further production of EAT & RUN. 


British Actor Matthew Lewis
Back in May of 2016, a Linked In post had been published titled, Fan Fiction Could Be Great Exercise To Writing Creatively Again. QEW Publishing put the title of this post's theory to the test and has discovered the truth of this proclaimation. A body of JK Rowling-inspired fan fiction titled LONGBOTTOM is currently being composed as a result.  This particular story is set twenty-five years later following the events described in Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and is centrally focused on the Wizarding World's unsung heroic character, Neville Longbottom, who was portrayed by actor Matthew Lewis in the film adaptations of the novel series. Neville is now a noted veteran of the Second Wizarding War and a seasoned Auror in his early forties. He and his young new partner, Darius Flint, investigate and pursue a ruthless, wizarding crime ring of grave robbers, who are seeking to unearth an ancient artifact of terrible, necromantic power. As the Linked In post had claimed, LONGBOTTOM had initially started out as an exercise to help overcome stifling bouts of writer's block. But it has since then expanded into a potential full-length novel of fan fiction that's been a treat to write. Even members of QEW Publishing's exclusive cadre, the Beta Readers Group, have expressed their collective kudos for what's been produced so far. An active link to the latest rough draft is provided here for reading at: LONGBOTTOM--Draft 10E


Monday, January 2, 2017



Jason Sinclair
The world, the indie comics industry, friends, and a loving family suffered a tragic loss this year with the death of Jason Sinclair. Jason had been terminally ill for quite some time, struggling against deteriorating health from a congenital cardiac condition. He passed away on the morning of Sunday, November 20, 2016 at 11:00 am in the city of Kirkland, Washington. He is survived by his wife, Misty Thomas and their two children. Among his many passionate pursuits of interest, Jason was a writer and an aspiring author. He signed on with QEW Publishing in 2009 and produced the scripting for the graphic, science fiction, horror novel, ANTARES, which is currently in production now by Emilio Jorge’ Mongiovi of Dead Robot Studio. Despite the challenges imposed upon him during his life, Jason did manage to leave behind one definitive marker within the comics industry that will be accredited to him. While QEW Publishing pledges to usher ANTARES into full fruition on his behalf, he'll be truly be missed, nonetheless. Jason’s final thoughts, which were recorded by dictation, are posted on Facebook via this active link here: Jason’s Final Words link


After a purposeful sitting out of last year's event, QEW Publishing ironically is now hoping to attend Crypticon-Seattle 2017. A few major setbacks have been interceding in the efforts to effectively budget and properly achieve this goal. An unfortunate expenditure in transportation, which had been drastically necessary at the time, significantly diminished any opportunity for procuring a reservation in a timely manner. Thankfully, despite these shortcomings, there still may be a chance to do so. Crypticon-Seattle's owners, Troy and Mickie, have shown uncommon graciousness with late-comers in the past, and with the show still being all of five months away, there's no intention at all to miss any opportunity to have QEW Publishing returning there next year.


Ever since the publication and release of its first printed edition, the ZOMBIES MINUS ZERO limited series has unfortunately been stalled. Creators, Quenton Shaw (QEW Publishing) and Isaiah Jenson (Dark One's Closet), though, have expressed efforts to reset ZMZ's production and shove it forward again. The special Go Fund Me campaign  that had been established for it has garnered a meager sum of funding, but hasn't been as fruitful as hoped for. But now a new opportunity has suddenly risen upon the horizon. A new artist, Narayan Baidya, has expressed his interest in illustrating the series.  Although he's currently committed to penciling interior story art for the graphic fantasy novel, MAGISPHERE, he's maintained that he's willing to sign on again to join the ZMZ creative team after he's done, which adds a new dynamic for setting renewed goals to resume the series' production by June 2017.


Excerpt from THE GIFTED #2

QEW Publishing has happily selected BLOOD & SILVER #4 and THE GIFTED #1 as its 2017 1st Quarter New Releases. BLOOD & SILVER #4 is the fourth issue of the limited, 6-part werewolf mini-series. THE GIFTED #1 is the actual first issue of a long-awaited production of an original, action-fantasy mini-series created and written by artist, Chad Dulac. The current production status of both of these particular comic books are as follows: Art and scripting is already done for THE GIFTED #1. The art for BLOOD & SILVER #4 is done; the scripting for it is nearing completion. QEW Publishing intends to have both of these book ready for print to showcase for their scheduled release by the end of March 2017.


Etsy logo
Initially, there was lots of enthusiasm here at QEW HQ after QEW Emporium had been conceived. It had been envisioned the Etsy-based, online commercial venue would be able to make a variety of other published works from other creators available there while providing an alternative revenue stream. Unfortunately, there hasn't been an appropriate quantity of these other published items acquired as needed in order to officially launch it. Gladly, there has been some positive feedback from other publishers and creators that have been solicited. QEW Publishing will be making a renewed earnest effort to make QEW Emporium a viable venue by next year. There is now a challenging new deadline to have it ready for launch by March 2017.


QEW Publishing Official Flyer

After some painful indecisions about whether or not to begin seriously implementing the Retailers Round-Up operation, QEW Publishing has once again chosen to move forward again with carrying it out. Retailers Round-Up is the name given to the dual project. The first involves QEW Publishing's old-fashioned, cold-calling efforts of actively soliciting all available printed edition comics directly to local and out-of-state comic book stores. The second purpose has been to establish a sustainable QEW marketing and distribution system. However, despite the hesitancy here, the wholesale and retail pricing have already been revised to reflect projected increases in production costs for next year. Cover prices for single printed editions will be raised from $3.99 to $4.99 and TPB (trade paperback) printed books from $15.99 to $17.99. None of these price increases will be enacted officially by no later than January 1, 2017.


Stock Photo
Whirling around within the dynamic Creative Centrifuge here at QEW HQ are several comic book projects that will purposefully revolve around the exciting and iconic world of martial arts. One of these newly planted seeds is an idea for an action-packed, graphic novella, MASTER 2 MASTER. It's the story of two martial art masters from two different worlds who must set aside their differences in order to help a mutual friend against a mutual enemy. MASTER 2 MASTER is no where near prepared yet for even being posted officially on QEW Publishing's Active To-Do List, and although it's only just a mere concept at this time, the story breakdown process and scripting must all be completed first. However, there will most certainly be an effort to begin ushering MASTER 2 MASTER into fruition.


After a less than stellar performance since its launching, the Patreon campaign has still managed to achieve a bit of progress. QEW Publishing's Patreon account page has undergone some refinement as more content has been posted on there. These are more postings about other developing comic projects needing funding for production support. The fund-raising efforts, meager as they have been, have so far accrued a little over one hundred dollars (USD). This is indicative that there's plenty of potential for enough money that can be raised to help QEW Publishing actually reach its goals set on Patreon. The emphasis here now at QEW HQ will be focusing on further proliferating the Patreon campaign. So it goes without saying that more Patrons are still needed, and if you're so inclined , feel free to become one and contribute your pledge there via this active link here: QEW Publshing on Patreon link



RETURN OF THE BLOG The QPQ (QEW Publishing Quarterly) 2022 3rd Quarter Edition was actually the last updated edition for this blog. In that...