Page 2 of THE GIFTED #1 |
It's the annual Crunch Time getting new releases ready here at QEW HQ! Trying to get the selected 2017 1st Quarter new comic book picks completed and finished for publication is challenge every year! The art for the selected books, BLOOD & SILVER #4 and THE GIFTED #1, is completely done, but both books still need to be lettered. Since QEW Publishing's previous letterer, Kuen Tang, had been away on a personal hiatus, pending some logistical issues that have yet to be resolved before commissioning her again on other projects. Thankfully new artist and letterer, Miguel Caraballo, has recently been recruited and signed on to join the QEW Crew in timely manner. He's currently lettering BLOOD & SILVER #4, which is a good thing. Unfortunately, however, neither of the books won't be ready on time for the annual release date of March 31st. So it's been decided the 2017 1st Quarter New Releases will be pushed to 2017 2nd Quarter New Releases, scheduled for June 30th. This is indeed a dramatic break in accordance to tradition here QEW Publishing. It's also is a clear indicator how Crunch Time should begin much earlier next year.
There's been lots of angst consisting of head-hammering and hair-pulling here about QEW Publishing's Patreon campaign. To this date, since it's official launch, QEW Publishing only has had one precious Patron gracing its on-going campaign with a monthly pledge (thank you, Jerica Wilson, for your grace). Certainly more pledges are needed. The current campaign status is mostly due to paltry efforts to promote it effectively. QEW Publishing's art director and pre-press publishing producer, Thom Fuegel, has agreed to help resolve this matter. He, too, also strongly believes in the potential benefits Patreon could provide meaningful financial support. There's no doubt QEW Publishing produces indie comics of good quality, some of which, that are now currently available. There are many more comics to create and produce. But acquiring more Patrons to pledge their monthly support could help accomplish the ultimate goal of boosting the production of them all.

Author JD McGowan has decided to part ways with QEW Publishing. Originally submitting his collection of short stories for consideration for publication and release under the QEW Publishing imprint, JD had been encouraged to write a series of more short stories. The idea had been for him to produce an anthology that would comprise a world he was building. Each tale was based on his own concept about a long-standing family of shapeshifters living and protecting their ancient wooded territory in the Pacific Northwest. JD had successfully managed to complete a total of eighteen short stories with his efforts. QEW Publishing had intended to release them as collective works under the title, THE SECRET OF OLDEN WOODS. However, due to the strict adherence QEW Publishing's Active To-Do List, the machinations of the editorial and prepress production process, it was essentially delayed. JD was not inclined to wait around for an administrative and logistical logjam to clear. So he elected to move on, which is not an entirely bad choice on his part. QEW Publishing is pleasantly supportive of JD's decision. THE SECRET OF OLDEN WOODS is currently available now on Amazon at this active link here: THE SECRET OF OLDEN WOODS link
Maria Cedar |
Character model,
Maria Cedar, is very pleased with the recent progress report on the developing graphic horror novella,
THE BUGS NEXT DOOR. The project's new illustrative artist,
Juan Manual Hernandez, had suffered an unfortunate series of setbacks attained as the result of an accident he was involved in, but he has expressed encouraging reassurances to QEW HQ that he remains committed to seeing this production through to its completion. His last report was that he was now plying visual details to
page 1, described according to the scripting as a nice, debut
splash shot of Maria's featured character. Juan is currently working from a Visual Plot script that only comprises, for now,
pages 1-6. The objective here is to have these and hopefully more story art pages completed and ready for showcasing at
Rose City Comicon 2017 in Portland, Oregon, where Maria happily will be there as QEW Publishing guest and QEW Gal to promote THE BUGS NEXT DOOR.
QEW Publishing is happy to report that the vampire fiction manuscript for BLOOD ROOT is closer to completion. The rough draft is currently only a little over nine thousand words short of reaching actual novel status, and there only a five or six remaining chapters left to compose. Co-creator Moya Jackie, whose original premise is the basis for this entire project, has happily expressed how pleased and elated she is about this significant level of progress. Her approval of rough Chapters 16-19 has helped to reassure the manuscript's ultimate fruition. So despite the competing interests and rivaling deadlines, draft noting for the remaining chapters will resume. To this date, the BLOOD ROOT rough draft has missed all of its deadline for being wrapped up. While there is extreme reluctance to establish a new deadline, there's plenty of confidence here at QEW Publishing the manuscript will indeed be finished. And then the real writing will finally begin.
Kelly Young |
Since its inception, QEW Publishing has had the privilege of working with some very talented commissioned writers. Commissioning writers is a rare action taken here at QEW HQ. It's a difficult and challenging experience trying to locate and recruit a writer, who actually possesses an intrinsic talent at storytelling. Kelly Young is the type of prospective, imaginative, and gifted writer QEW Publishing is hoping to settle with on a possible collaboration. Kelly is an avid HP Lovecraft fan, the executive editor of horror-based, STRANGE AEONS MAGAZINE, a producer of short stories, and an aspiring screenwriter. QEW Publishing easily deems him the quintessential prospect for petitioning to commission. Kelly has been tapped as the prospective writer for a developing horror project, SHE OF GLORIOUS STINGS. He has gladly expressed his admiration for the project's premise and has even suggested some minor alterations. The drafting of a new agreement terms have been completed, but going forward is currently being delayed by QEW HQ's internal accounting and logistical machinations. This is also compounded by Kelly's personal schedule and impending work load. However, as soon as an alignment of timing fall favorably into place, there is the chance that SHE OF GLORIOUS STINGS will undergo full production.
QEW Publishing hasn't exhibited fully along the comic convention circuit since the Jet City Comic Show of 2016 in Tacoma, Washington. Ever since the decision was made to pass indefinitely on attending Emerald City Comicon in Seattle, Washington, QEW Publishing has focused its efforts to make preparations to exhibit at other local conventions instead. Central City Comicon and Wen-Con are new, Washington state-based local conventions that have joyously emerged to help fill the void of more comic-book centric events that haven't been overshadowed by Hollywood. Lilac City Comicon (formerly the Spokane Comicon event) will be the first show QEW Publishing will attend for 2017. Formerly a 1-day event, Lilac City Comicon founder and chief executive, Nathan O'Brian, has now expanded it to a 2-day event. This offers to vendors, exhibitors, and convention attendees an extra full day. It also grants QEW Publishing a great opportunity to showcase its 2017 2nd Quarter New Releases. Character model of horror graphic novel, EAT & RUN, and veteran QEW Gal volunteer, Sarah Williams, will happily also be in attendance, hoping to garner support for further production of EAT & RUN.
British Actor Matthew Lewis |
Back in May of 2016, a Linked In post had been published titled, Fan Fiction Could Be Great Exercise To Writing Creatively Again. QEW Publishing put the title of this post's theory to the test and has discovered the truth of this proclaimation. A body of JK Rowling-inspired fan fiction titled LONGBOTTOM is currently being composed as a result. This particular story is set twenty-five years later following the events described in Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and is centrally focused on the Wizarding World's unsung heroic character, Neville Longbottom, who was portrayed by actor Matthew Lewis in the film adaptations of the novel series. Neville is now a noted veteran of the Second Wizarding War and a seasoned Auror in his early forties. He and his young new partner, Darius Flint, investigate and pursue a ruthless, wizarding crime ring of grave robbers, who are seeking to unearth an ancient artifact of terrible, necromantic power. As the Linked In post had claimed, LONGBOTTOM had initially started out as an exercise to help overcome stifling bouts of writer's block. But it has since then expanded into a potential full-length novel of fan fiction that's been a treat to write. Even members of QEW Publishing's exclusive cadre, the Beta Readers Group, have expressed their collective kudos for what's been produced so far. An active link to the latest rough draft is provided here for reading at: LONGBOTTOM--Draft 10E