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"Serious cutbacks gotta be done!!!" |
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"Ughhhh! Not again!!!" |
After sadly missing all of last year's deadlines and then both 2018 1st and 2nd quarter-end deadlines for new releases, some serious reflection has had to take place here at QEW HQ. The reins of leadership here have had a very loose hand, so it was now high time they were held again more firmly. The cause of these delays was mainly due to the lack of oversight, regarding the lettering process. This combined then with the neglect of carefully calculating lead times with submitting print orders, QEW Publishing has failed twice to release its new comics in a timely manner, so far, this year. A new goal has been established to release BLOOD & SILVER #4, THE GIFTED #1, and DARK POWERS #1 now as 2018 3rd Quarter-End new releases. QEW HQ will reset new deadline productions with artist, Miguel Caraballo, to have the lettering for all three of these books finally done, and there will be earnest attention to coordinating better with print order submissions for them. Failure to reach a goal is a painful thing, but it can help provide insights to reasons why it occurs. It can even help to motivate the tendencies to overcome it and ultimately succeed.
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Kelly Young |
QEW Publishing is currently producing a screenplay that is intended to become a full-length film. In the QPQ 2017 1st Quarter-End Edition blog, QEW Publishing announced its hopeful, budding collaboration with writer, Kelly Young. Well as of June of 2018, it has finally emerged into fruition and been made official. Kelly is now commissioned to produced QEW Publishing's first original screenplay. The project titled, SHE OF GLORIOUS STINGING, is a horror yarn based upon an in-house treatment of QEW Publishing's that had initially been intended to produce a graphic novel. Kelly Young is the perfect match for this new venture. Not only is he an accredited and imaginative writer, he is the truest avid fan of the horror genre. He'll be more than capable of weaving SHE OF GLORIOUS STINGING into a suspenseful and tantalizing tale that could become produced into a movie imbued with Lovecraftian flare.
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"Another new artist...Seriously?" |
A series of challenges seems to be the ongoing theme with the production of this project. The primary issue has been an inability to recruit an artist who would commit to completing all the interior pencils and inks required for story art. To this date, P.I. McQUEEN has lost a total of three very talented artists, who have for various reasons chosen not to stay aboard. Quite frankly the one critical factor each of these individuals all had in common was that neither of them had never really begun to produce in the first place. Character model, Melissa McQueen, the muse inspiring the creation of this entire project, has been uncommonly gracious with her exemplary patience with the series of setbacks that have plagued its production. So QEW Publishing isn't giving up on P.I. McQUEEN at all. Although there will be temporary hold on finding another artist until the Visual Plot scripting is totally completed. Once that's done, then efforts will resume to finding a new artist.
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Rick Rosenkranz |
It's funny how some ideas actually become the catalyst for new, developing projects. One particular idea started out as a shared running joke with author, Rick Rosenkranz. The joke had initially started out about superheroes and trusty sidekicks, but then quickly transitioned to a series of "what-ifs" involving some made-up C-List type superhero characters who possessed skills or powers that were highly impractical with commonality of a what a superhero really is. After sharing this ongoing levity for several years, Rick had finally become compelled enough to began developing a treatment for what has been has jokingly referred to as THE UNUSUALS. Over these several years of joking about them, an interesting and amusing cast of so-called heroes and villains have collectively created. And now thanks to Rick, there's finally a bit of effort being invested to developing an engaging and entertaining story for the comic book genre of comedy.
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Music Producer Jesse Allcott |
THE BUGS NEXT DOOR excerpt Panel 4 of Page 11 |
Great news! The production for THE BUGS NEXT DOOR is still moving forward! After the shake-up from financial setbacks, which were followed by a series of production cutbacks, the particular comic book project was gladly spared removal from QEW Publishing's Active TDL (To-Do List). And now that some sensible budgetary control over production operations has been restored again, a renewed earnestness in finishing up all the interior story art pages is now a priority. Pages 1-18 of fully inked pages have already been completed and artist, Rowel Roque, is more than committed to see that remainder of these pages are produced.
REPO KATZ #1 Cover art by Hakan Aydin |
SEPTEMBER 30, 2018