Sunday, October 13, 2024



The QPQ (QEW Publishing Quarterly) 2022 3rd Quarter Edition was actually the last updated edition for this blog. In that particular edition were musings about how QEW Publishing could broaden exposure for its comics while contemplating revamping its comic production process. The idea of continuing to submit comics at comic retailers and other local establishments, so they could be openly showcased, still remained a viable option. Efforts to discover alternative methods for funding the production process are still favorable as well. Unfortunately, the primary elements of QEW Publishing's creative operations, time and funding, had waned yet again, and the reduction of these crucial factors generally imposed adverse on operations as always. Nonetheless, QEW Publishing again welcomes a renewed earnestness with the return of this newly updated edition of the QPQ


The contemplation of establishing a recorded video log, or vlog may finally be slowly coming into fruition. The vlog would be titled Inside QEW and would be hosted by QEW Publishing's owner and chief editior, Quenton Shaw. Ideally, the vlog be a summarized reporting of some of the pivotal internal happenings inside QEW Publishing. But the challenges of maintaining coherent, extemporaneous commentary for such a presentation invites some apprehension with moving forward entirely on this development. However, the silver lining the vlog could provide could some advantages, benefits, and value for helping with social media exposure. The drafting for a 40-45 minute pilot broadcast of content for this Inside QEW vlog is already in production.


QEW Publishing has finally settled in its new location of operations and has also created and launched a new website. Both of these changes were necessary. QEW Publishing is still based primarily in the Pacific Northwest, but now located further westward near the Pacific coast. The previous URL,, had unfortunately become too costly to maintain, and is sadly now no longer available. The online point-of-sale platform, Square, now provides a venue for a more streamlined website instead. All available items there can now be purchased there by clicking the button, Order Direct. QEW Publishing's new and active URL is


Exercpt Image Clip of Hellion #1 Cover
As post-relocation events had dramatically setback both production and time for operations, the means for funding resources were being reconsidered. So despite past earlier failures with online crowdfunding, it was decided to have another go with utilizing Kickstarter again.  A successful fundraising campaign could still help spur stagnant operations into action. Plus, Kickstarter could still offered opportunities for sowing some solid, self-sustaining support for new comics. The final issue of Jim Savard's creator-owned horror comic miniseries, Hellion #6, was selected for this resumed venture. The campaign was launched on September 1st, and so far, only three percent of the $14,400.00 goal has been pledged by Backers. Now with only just a few days remaining before that goal is reached, the probability of success seems highly unlikely. Nevertheless, if anyone is curious enough or inclined to make a pledge of support as a new Backer as a last-ditch effort of support, the direct link to the campaign is here: Hellion #6 Kickstarter


The Gifted #2 Cover
The Gifted, a 6-part fantasy-action comic miniseries, is one of QEW Publishing's earliest affiliated creator-owned comics. Chad Dulac, the series' creator and writer still yearns for its ultimate completion. Only issues The Gifted #1 and #2 have been completed, published, and currently made available. All interior story art comprising The Gifted #3 and #4 have been illustrated and inked, and now only require coloring and lettering. It's not known how many total pages of story art has been completed for The Gifted #5, but the inquiry to that will hopefully receive an answer from Chad himself soon. Once production phases for most of this project has been carefully assessed, we can then focus on The Gifted #6.


Thanks to
94.7 FM Logo
 QEW Publishing's No.1 QEW GalKatherine Shaw, an opportunity for a radio spot as a guest on a broadcast came into being. Quenton Shaw, QEW Publishing's owner and chief editor, was encouraged to reach out to radion station 94.7 in Aberdeen, Washinton and contact Johnny Manson, the host of the radio show, Local MattersJohnny was very happy and kind enough to schedule an in-person studio appearance. The length of the broadcast is one hour and forty minutes with Quenton sharing the origins of his love for comics and insider info about a couple of other comic projects currently in development. The recorded and released podcast of the broadcast can be heard via this link right here: QEW Publishing on Local Matters.

REPO KATZ #2 Penciled Cover

It's been well over ten long years since this 4-part, action/adventure, comic miniseries, Repo Katzwas concieved produced. It's taken even longer for all of its interior story page art to be completed. Even all the scripting still needs to be completed and the art still needs to all be inked, colored, and lettered. As of now, getting Repo Katz inked is the current priority. QEW Publishing has reconnected with artist, Steve Sprayson, who has already began working on this portion of the production phase. Getting inks done is crucial for the continued determination to spur Repo Katz towards its next phase of production, which is coloring.


Charcter Model Melissa McQueen

Created and produced in 2017, P.I. McQueen is the 1-shot comic intially concieved to be released as a 48-page graphic novella. A film noir-style urban crime story that's set in the 1940's the comic features one of QEW Publishing character  models, Melissa McQueen, who was the muse and basis for the comic's protagonist, Maggie McQueen. Melissa's been extraordinarily patient with the unfortunate and extremely slow production progress of P.I. McQueen. QEW Publishing has been reassuring her, however, that it remains dedicated to seeing the comic is ultimately published and released. Although all illustration and inking of the interior story art has been completed, there are still two major production phases to complete. One is a settlement on the coloring schematic for the book. A choice between a black-and-white or grayscaled interior, and then there's a design for the exterior cover that must be produced. Once decisions about coloring and cover design have been settled, then scripting, lettering, and editing for P.I. McQueen can finally be fully completed.


Friday, September 30, 2022




Creation is the one constant that's maintained here at QEW HQ. As production phases for multiple other comic projects gradually come near to their completion, ideas for creating and producing new ones continue to develop. Four new ideas for comic projects have recently been created for future development and production. The titles for these new creations are Wolf in the Hood, Utoxia, Things in the Dark, and Hell Bent. Only the premises for each of these ideas have been composed and nothing else. QEW Publishing's edict for this remains intact, which means the production phases of any projects currently on the Active To-Do List must be completed before they are cleared to allow any other production phases for new projects to be listed. There is still some scripting and editing for four other projects to be finished first. It's exciting, nonetheless, that the premises of each of these four new comic projects can still be shared.


With Hellion #6 being the last book to produce, QEW Publishing's finally arriving at completing this horror comic mini-series in its entirety. Every phase of its production will mark a milestone that will comprise ten years. The penciled art for Hellion #6 has long since been done. Only the inking, coloring, lettering, and ultimately the editing remain to be completed. James Rodriguez has reaffirmed his continued efforts with inking and coloring, and has reassured that he can meet the renewed deadline of February 28, 2023. For Hellion mini-series creator/writer, Jim Savard, it's  been an arduous journey of hoping, waiting, and enduring patience as he's witnessed his body of work slowly coming into fruition. Jim says that he already intends to showcase a large quantity of Hellion #6 printed editions at the Wicked Comicon convention in Boston, Massachusetts on April 22-23, 2023. His motivation his admirable and timely because this last book, Hellion #6, has already been selected as one of QEW Publishing's 2023 1st Quarter New Releases.


About five years ago, QEW Publishing Quarterly's 2017 3rd Quarter edition blogged that this 4-part, superhero comic mini-series had again for the umpteenth time been placed on the Active To-Do List, so that it would finally be produced. Sadly, though, the artist who was working on it then had never progressed production beyond what was expected, and once again, the project's production was rendered inert. This has always been the typical fate of Yo-Yo since its inception. However, as fate would seem to have it, Yo-Yo is yet again placed back on the Active To-Do List. Eduardo Garcia of Red Wolf Studios has signed up to take on Yo-Yo's penciling and inking production phase. He has a fitting illustrative style and seems very confident and committed to fulfill the task. He's assured that he and Red Wolf Studios will produce art for all four books. QEW Publishing is currently waiting on character concept sketches for Yo-Yo to review.


Suffering a werewolf's curse, a teenage boy stalks and hunts violent criminals plaguing his neighborhood as he struggles with controlling himself. This is the premise of Wolf in the Hood, an idea for a new comic project inspired by the 1957 horror film classic, I Was A Teenage Werewolf, and the 1972 blaxploitation horror film, Blacula. Nothing further is being developed now beyond its premise. Governing protocols of QEW Publishing's Active To-Do List currently prohibits any new project listings. Character and story breakdown and treatment composition are currently projected to begin in 2025. Visual Plot scripting could be completed in 2026. Wolf in the Hood could be produced as a 48-page to 56-page graphic novella.


An elderly former soldier pursues a band of marauding kidnappers across a treacherous wasteland ravaged and poisoned by war. This is the premise of Utoxia, an idea for a new sci-fi fantasy comic project that was literally inspired by an original cosplay created and donned by a nice elderly gentleman named Tony, who was this year's 1st Place winner at Lilac City Comicon's Cosplay Contest in Spokane, Washington. Nothing further is being developed now beyond its premise. Governing protocols of QEW Publishing's Active To-Do List currently prohibits any new project listings. Character and story breakdown and treatment composition are currently projected to begin in 2026. Visual Plot scripting could be completed in 2027. Utoxia could be produced as a 48-page to 56-page graphic novella.


A trio of teenaged best friends begin investigating the mysterious disappearance of a mutual friend and uncovers the secret invasion plot of evil extraplanar monsters. This premise is the basis for Things in the Dark, an idea inspired by the 1979 horror film Phantasm and the Netflix series Stranger ThingsNothing further is being developed now beyond its premise. Governing protocols of QEW Publishing's Active To-Do List currently prohibits any new project listings. Character and story breakdown and treatment composition are currently projected to begin in 2028. Visual Plot scripting could be completed in 2029. Things in the Dark could be produced as a 48-page to 56-page graphic novella.


Reanimated as part of fulfilling an evil, supernatural pact, a dead man extracts his revenge on those who betrayed and murdered him ten years prior. This is the premise for the story of Hell Bent, a new idea for a western fantasy comic project inspired by a powerfully haunting song, Dead Man Walking, performed brilliantly by War HallNothing further is being developed now beyond its premise. Governing protocols of QEW Publishing's Active To-Do List currently prohibits any new project listings. Character and story breakdown and treatment composition are currently projected to begin in 2030. Hell Bent could be produced as a 48-page to 56-page graphic novella.


QEW Publishing has been toiling to streamline its comic production and distribution operations for years. Over time, it's managed to attain some adequate achievement in that endeavor, but effectively marketing its comics to prospective purchasers, still remains its most greatest challenge. Limited resources make it difficult to fully focus on both production and marketing efforts. Since making comics is QEW Publishing primary purpose, the majority of its resources have been directed to production for now. Fortunately, a brief opportunity for marketing has come along with the advent of the Lemon Hill Cafe & Bookstore, recently opened this summer in Montesano, Washington. A brief proposal to the proprietors there to consider carrying QEW Publishing comics was received quite favorably. While no definite decision was made for accepting books there from QEW Publishing at that time, there will certainly be a return to that establishment with a more formal and appealing presentation.


Friday, July 15, 2022



It's been two years since the QEW Publishing Quarterly's last publication. But after a long bout of waning motivation with continuing to meet every new publication's timely release dates, the time has thankfully come again to resume this periodical's quarterly reporting. A lot has been accomplished here at QEW Publishing and a lot is presently occurring. So there are plenty of updates that need to be shared. QEW Publishing Quarterly needs to resume principally both as a matter of record and as an exercise in the discipline of consistency. It's important to document the creations and projects of QEW Publishing's developing and ongoing productions. A journal of the progress or setbacks of its present ventures and engagement of new ones should be maintained. After two years of delay followed quickly by literally nothing, QEW Publishing Quarterly is returning here with a renewed earnestness on presenting its timely quarterly releases.


Stories don't write themselves. Writer's write. And there's strength in numbers. That's now the impetus of what's gradually become the cornerstone of the writers group, Scribblers Web. Initially, it had just comprised two aspiring writers meeting periodically at their local Starbucks. Quenton Shaw, writer and chief editor of the comic book and graphic novel producer, QEW Publishing, and Rick Rosenkranz, science fiction-fantasy author of the novels Luminarium One: Dark Evasion and Luminarium Two: Bright Manifest. Their meetings entailed with them discussing their own respective projects, character development, story structuring, scene composition, and tips for overcoming the occasional bout of Writer's Block. Over time, Scribblers Web had gradually become a mutually supportive exercise, encouraging creativity and contributing to the discipline required for writers to engage their craft. There hadn't been any sessions in nearly a year with the advent of imposed lock-down policies, but the first session was finally and very happily convened this summer of 2022 at Candor Coffee in Renton, Washington. Both writers were very happy with their reunion, resuming their activities exactly as they had been before the lockdowns, and they are enthusiastic about subsequent future sessions. Another pleasing development of Scribblers Web is that there are now possibly prospective new writer invitees, who may be joining the group. Jesse Alcott and Julian Camarillo. After being apart for so long there's finally now promising potential Scribblers Web could also be beginning to grow.


Composing prose for a novel is difficult enough, as any writer knows, but a writer cannot become an author until he's completed and published a body of written work. Writers are constantly reminded that overcoming severe cases of Writer's Block is simply a matter of will. This has been the primary excuse for not completing the working manuscript for Blood Root, QEW Publishing's first novel production of vampire fiction. Despite composing rough drafts of twenty chapters, so far, progress has drastically suffered because of the stagnation of motivation dominating the last several years. Writer's Block has been the main culprit accused, but the truth really is a simple lacking of will. However, efforts to rejuvenate Blood Root's production are finally beginning to stir. A new tool specifically designed for structuring chapters has been implemented and has helped with drafting and fully laying out rough chapters more precisely and succinctly. And now by applying some ample sheer will, a sincere effort is being made to complete what has been started. There's hope here that the inner narrative voice, which enables novel production, can again be restored.


Comic scripting is crucial for storytelling, but it's the comic story art that ushers it into visual fruition. Illustrations are the cornerstone of every comic book production and it's talented illustrators who help bring the scripting into visual life. QEW Publishing has been very pleased with the completion of the illustration phases for some of its productions. Illustrations have been fully completed for comic projects, Repo Katz, Arachne, The Bugs Next Door, and finally even the mini-series, Hellion. Other comic projects, Antares, P.I. McQueen, and Big Green Monster are steadily on track with having their illustration phases fully completed as well. There are significant quantities of time and financial costs invested in achieving these goals. A larger operating budget would help expedite and streamline the subsequent production phases of inking, coloring, and lettering. Nevertheless, QEW Publishing will continue its efforts with carefully maintaining and utilizing those quantities of its limited resources to remain steadfast on its present course.


Zombies Minus Zero had always been intended to have been produced as a full-length horror comic book series. It was supposed to comprise a total of twelve issues. Unfortunately Zombies Minus Zero #1 was the only comic book issue that was ever published and released, and that was eight years ago. Thanks to a renewed interest, motivation to see production of this series resumed has been revitalized. Seeing several successful feats of online crowdfunding by other ventures and reviewing the earlier notes drafted for Zombies Minus Zero #2 is a major contributor to this inspiration. QEW Publishing is no stranger to online crowdfunding, but such campaigns have never been successful. This time around, however, there will be a new approach to promoting and marketing efforts for online crowdfunding. There will also be a devoted effort to reach whatever monetary goal is set within whatever time line is established. QEW Publishing's only publication of Zombies Minus Zero #1 will be fully utilized to help with this campaign for the efforts of producing the next comic issue, Zombies Minus Zero #2


This modern-day, sword-and sorcery fantasy comic mini-series has had a number of starts and stops with its production. Artist, Narayan Baidya has had an on-again-off-again performance. After his last absence and having received no communication from him for quite some time, QEW Publishing had officially deemed Magisphere's production defunct. The series' production had remained inert for about a year until Narayan himself reconnected to humbly proposed if he could resume with its illustrative production phase. QEW Publishing happily accepted his proposal and reactivated the project's production. To help salvage his renewed commitment, Magisphere's original length had even been reduced from a 4-part mini-series to only comprise a 56-page graphic novella. Narayan had only remained engaged and responsive to communications for a short period until he again begin to cease his timely updates and responses. So, unfortunately, Magisphere's production is stalled yet again. However, rather than deem the entire project defunct as before, production of the Visual Plot script edition will continue until it's fully completed.


It was decided that a full-blown, re-do of this horror comic project was necessary. Eat & Run #0 had been initially released in 2015 as a special single-edition, introductory comic book prior to an eventual publication and release of its 75-page graphic novel edition. A few years later after its release and after a careful assessment, the comic's interior art was deemed incompatible with its content. QEW Publishing dutifully and regretfully addressed this matter with Eat & Run #0's illustrator, Nick Olivo, and settled with him. Once that was done, the search for new artist with a more suitable illustrative style begin and was done. QEW Publishing has submitted a proposal to MJ Hiblen, the illustrative artist of the graphic novel, Cover of Darkness, written by George Michail and Chris Cam and published by Source Point Press. MJ is scheduled to begin his collaboration on the Eat & Run re-do sometime in autumn of this year. For the sake of this refurbished reproduction, the original length of the Eat & Run graphic novel will be reduced from a 75-page book to a 56-page book.


QEW Publishing has chosen to ease back into the comic convention circuit this year. Lockdown policies that were imposed last year stifled any preparations and travel plans for exhibiting. Attendance was canceled for Olympic Collectible Expo in Silverdale, Washington. Reservations for Lilac City Comicon in Spokane, Washington and Bellingham Comicon in Ferndale, Washington had been floated to future schedule event dates. This year QEW Publishing happily exhibited at Lilac City's 2-day event. It was nice reconnecting with old and new colleagues, engage with new comic purchasers, and review QEW Publishing's exhibit for future presentations. Plans will be made for next year to attend convention events, Lilac City Comicon, Olympic Collectibles Expo, Crypticon Seattle, Bellingham Comicon, and perhaps even Summer Con.


Wednesday, January 1, 2020



The end of a decade, let alone a single year, does invite time for a humbling session of introspection here at QEW Publishing. Things weren't as productive here in the areas of writing and publication as preferred. Scripting for comics, BLOOD & SILVER, REPO KATZ, P.I. McQUEEN, ARACHNE, and the manuscript composition for the vampire fiction novel, BLOOD ROOT, have all sadly remained unfinished, despite their respectively re-established deadlines. The illustrative production of penciled story art for the HELLION mini-series has stalled drastically. Submissions of art for HELLION #6 for review from its penciling artist, Phillip Hudson, is still pending. So overall, production performance for 2019 could have been much better. The energy and drive to produce must be restored here in the advent of the 2020 new year.


The Active To-Do List continues to be a very effective tool here at QEW Publishing, but the dedication to adhere to the dictates of its production itinerary has unfortunately been waning. This significant deviation  has stifled major progress with production. To recapture that motivation again, QEW Publishing will refocus on regaining and applying the due diligence that's needed. This will require some major sacrifices of time and finances, but it's important to reacquire this footing. Some modest achievements were made in the areas of scripting and publication when the To-Do List was the focal point. QEW Publishing just has to get back to it.


Having a good graphic letterer on the QEW Crew is always a plus for QEW Publishing. Particularly since artist Miguel Caraballo has happily agreed to another year with QEW Publishing. He's already been accredited for lettering several of QEW Publishing's comic book titles. So having him remain to resume applying his lettering skills for 2020 is a good thing. DARK POWERS #2, THE GIFTED #2, HELLION #5 have been tapped as the next comics for lettering phase. Miguel's expressed his eagerness to get started on those right away. Narrative & Dialogue scripting for each of these productions will be ready for submission to him to begin. These comics may be selected for QEW Publishing's line-up of its 2020 1st Quarter New Releases.


From its original inception to its collaborative story development with its late script writer, Jason Sinclair, ANTARES' production had always been a tremendous challenge of a project to complete. But after several bouts of false starts and setbacks with its initial series of would-be artists, who were really never able to fully commit to the fruition of this comic, ANTARES is finally nearing the end of its illustrative production phase. This has been mainly thanks to Dead Robot Studio's Jorge' Mongiovi, who has successfully managed to complete most of ANTARES' interior story art. While it still hasn't been officially decided if ANTARES will be a full-colored or black-and-white comic, the production phases of script editing, lettering, and the pre-release editorial review are certainly the concerns for now. The 2020 new year invites opportunities to achieve new goals. QEW Publishing intends for ANTARES to be published and released next year. Whether it'll ultimately be a colored or black-and white comic will have hopefully been decided by then.


This graphic novella's production had sadly been rendered inactive indefinitely after far too many setbacks. But now that some logistical clearance appears to be forecast on QEW Publishing's Active To-Do List, the wheels for P.I. McQUEEN's illustrative production phase are finally being allowed to turn again. Andrea Errico is the latest QEW Crew member to join this project's respective creative team to illustrate and ink P.I. McQUEEN's interior story art. To lessen the amount of production time, QEW Publishing has reducing its page length from a 56-page to 48-page book. Andrea has already submitted his preliminary main character sketch art for review. His quality of illustration looks very promising. Melissa McQueen, P.I. McQUEEN's collaborative character model for the story's main character, is cautiously optimistic, but has expressed positive affirmations about this latest development.


Of all of QEW Publishing's developing in-house projects, the production of THE BUGS NEXT DOOR has so far been the least inhibited by misfortune. Artist Rowel Roque has consistently provided a stellar performance with his illustration and inking of its story art. He has now managed to complete half the pages comprising the book. THE BUGS NEXT DOOR's page length has also now been reduced from fifty-six to forty-eight pages and total of thirty-one pages of visual plot scripting has already been completed. There are now only a mere seventeen pages of visual plot scripting to compose, which currently require some serious revisions to consider. However, once this has been done, it'll be on to the coloring phase of production.


DARK POWERS #1 and THE GIFTED #1 were the 1st Quarter New Releases of QEW Publishing's comics last year. For the line-up of the 2020 1st Quarter New Releases, comics on the new release roster this time around are BLOOD & SILVER #5, DARK POWERS #2, THE GIFTED #2, and HELLION #5. A bit of remaining scripting, lettering, and editing should enable two or three of these titles to be ready, which means that QEW Crew letterers will be pretty busy. QEW Publishing really wants to contrast its rather lackluster production performance from last year. Getting these new books out again could help reset a healthy rhythm. So some healthy, purposeful budgeting will be paramount.


Marketing is one of the biggest and toughest nut to crack here at QEW Publishing. That's because effective marketing in of itself requires a full-time, all-out effort. Just posting on social media venues like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram alone isn't enough. QEW Publishing is now considering video ads for its comics. There are presently three comics that have  been tapped for advertising for this potential venture. They are ZEVON-7, BLOOD & SILVER, and DIABOLICUSRight now a plan percolating to produce a 35-second to a 1-minute video ad for these comics. Production, of course, will certainly require some significant collaboration and there are already several prospects for helping with video and musical soundtrack development. 


Tuesday, October 1, 2019



A thousand apologies abound! Two deadlines were missed for publishing and releasing this blog's 2019 1st and 2nd Quarter editions! Due to an abrupt decline in consistent managerial oversight, production on script writing and interior story for developing comics had stall pretty much everything for several months, which sadly included even these QEW PUBLISHING QUARTERLY web log postings. However...praise Jesus! It appears that things here at QEW HQ have begun to turn around again favorably and has rescinded that cloud of inactivity. Progress has resumed and art production for four projects and scripting for three project are finally nearing completion. So were simply just wiping the slate clean and moving on here. Any topics that would have been posted in the 2019 1st and 2nd Quarter editions are now posted below for this edition instead.


Out of three books that had been selected as new releases for the 2019 1st Quarter, only two of these were actually able to be produced. DARK POWERS #1 and THE GIFTED #1 are now the latest new comics being released here at QEW Publishing. The third book, KRISTARELLA, a 3-part, sci-fi fantasy mini-series, which would have been released as a trade paperback edition, had been delayed. Overall, it's been quite a while since QEW Publishing has had new releases. Following a duration of unfortunate bouts concerning financial limitations, there'd been a serious decline in QEW Publishing's effort in meeting its annual goal. Thankfully an opportunity had finally begun to peak upon the horizon and the will to resume this endeavor had managed to ensue. So while the pleasantry of this achievement is at the risk of being short-lived, there is hopeful inspiration here for more new releases to come.

WEN-CON 2019

QEW Publishing had happily returned to WEN-CON this year in Wenatchee, Washington. The 1-day event yielded some wonderful opportunities for QEW Publishing to greet and meet new prospective readers while showcasing its comics. There had also been a fun and insightful opportunity to participate as a guest panelists with several other publishers in a candid Q & A session about the realities of the challenges of creating, producing, and marketing comics. THE GIFTED #1, the first issue of a 6-part magical fantasy mini-series, was happily showcased there. Chad Dulac, the comic's creator, writer and artist, was invited to attend there as QEW Publishing's guest artist. There were other presentations as well such as showcasing the developing interior story art of THE BUGS NEXT DOOR, as well as highlighting promo T-shirts for ZOMBIES MINUS ZERO mini-series. Overall, just good, productive representation, and marketing there at Wen-Con. Already looking forward to next year.


Despite some minimal success, Retailers Round-Up, QEW Publishing's marketing and sales campaign aimed at comic book retailers, has unfortunately been no more than a very short-lived spark in the pan. Though the effort to engage retail stores directly has waned significantly, there's also an admission that simply just reaching out to retailers alone isn't enough. Obviously, a dual effort must be enacted to marketing and selling directly to comic book readers, too. So now there's consideration to establish an active selling account for printed editions on Amazon and submit more e-comic editions to Comixology, Amazon's subsidiary e-comic retailer platform. Books will be selected to have them made available there before the end of this year. The failed effort of reaching out to retailers combined with the failure of the Patreon campaign are huge morale and financial setbacks. Expanding to these two other venues could hopefully re-inspire applying more effort promoting Patreon again, especially if there are favorable signs of retail sales being accrued there. 


Since BLOOD & SILVER issues 1-4 have been published, there's been sincere elation here at QEW HQ about the scripting for this 6-part werewolf mini-series finally resuming. Only issues #5 and #6 still remain in production and nearly two-thirds of the scripting for BLOOD & SILVER #5 has been completed. There's also great admission here that BLOOD & SILVER's production has dragged on much longer than it should, which is mostly directly due to procrastination. Thankfully, this has changed. The deadline set to finally wrap-up the scripting for issue #5 is the before end of September. And then it's onward to scripting BLOOD & SILVER #6.


In the 2018 1st Quarter edition of QEW Publishing Quarterly, a massive delay was declared for the first draft of this developing first novel of vampire fiction. The enthusiasm and motivation of that era to proceed accordingly with composing the manuscript has unfortunately waned with no writing May of 2018. However, as stated then, so it is stated now: A renewed effort is coming. The manuscript production for BLOOD ROOT will indeed resume again, and it shall continue all the way to the end of this year. Yes, it will likely be a monumental feat to achieve in the wake of such prolonged inactivity on it, but the fact remains that there are still roughly only six to seven chapters left to be drafted. So the manuscript for this novel simply has to get done.


Saturday, May 4, 2019 was official Free Comic Book Day, a very special event for comics nationwide QEW Publishing has oddly never participated in until then. However, after receiving a gracious invitation from Gus Foster, friend and owner of retailer Central City Comics in Ellensburg, Washington, accepting such a grand opportunity was something that could not be declined. The turn out of arrivals at Central City was amazing, and hence the event's title, an inventory of forty (40) printed editions of PLATYPUS REX QEW Publishing had designated its cache of "free comics" to give away to Central City's customers, was happily reduced to a mere fifteen (15) comics remaining. There was also a significant amount of books that were actually sold, and at least two orders for other comics that were taken. Needless to say, participation in Free Comic Book Day in the future is pretty much now a no-brainer.


We're so glad that the penciled story art for this 4-part mini-series is finally nearing its completion! Production on this project has been such a long and challenging slog with some contentious moments and delays. Artist, Hakan Aydin has been consistently coming through with finishing and submission of page art production, and he's almost done. Penciled story art for REPO KATZ 1-3 is happily all in-hand. QEW Publishing's primary focus now is the completion of the Visual Plot scripting for REPO KATZ #4 along with all of its penciled story art as well. Hakan has also kindly ensured QEW HQ that his intention is to meet this same goal.


In the QPQ 2014 3rd Quarter edition, it was reported that artist, Narayan Baidya, had finished pages 1-20 for this graphic novella. There was lots of excitement about the progress, but as of the last several months there's sadly been nothing else. Narayan Baidya appears to have cut off all communications. Holli Richey, MAGISPHERE's collaborative character model, was informed of this situation and thankfully she's been more than understanding and gracious about this whole thing. QEW Publishing has no qualms about taking drastic measures implementing a pragmatic Plan B, such as, dashing the current project to restart it anew with different artist. Either way, QEW Publishing will see to it MAGISPHERE will ultimately attain its fruition.


As the reduction of QEW Publishing's attending of comic conventions continues to be maintained, there does remain a moderate effort to balance this cutback with some modicum of presence, nonetheless. Wen-Con in Wenatchee, WA, Lilac City Comicon in Spokane, WA, Olympic Collectible Expo in Silverdale, WA, and this year's Free Comic Book Day event in Ellensburg, WA were the only pro-comic events QEW Publishing has attended this year. So despite limited resources, there is every intent to sustain appearances as much as possible. A reservation for exhibiting at Lilac City Comicon 2020 has already been confirmed. The next biggest, uphill challenge currently is replenishing QEW Publishing's showcase stock of printed edition comics, which have been happily depleted over the course of attending each of the aforementioned venues.


Sunday, November 18, 2018



After a series of false starts, flame-outs, and down outright failures, QEW Publishing's Retailers Round-Up program now finally appears to be working. Retailers Round-Up was the idea to initiate a practical and cost-effective marketing, distribution, and sales campaign for the comics currently available here from QEW Publishing. In earlier attempts, no clear and consistent protocol for presentation had ever been applied effectively enough towards the campaign and there were no variables to offer any incentive that would lower substantial risks to encourage retailers to consider participating. This was resolved by two pivotal factors that were introduced. The production and release of QEW Publishing's formal sell sheet to present to prospective retailers, and then Retailers Round-Up campaign's newly inserted policy of providing to comic retailers a one-time offer of limited complimentary stock As a result to this date, there are now a total of eleven retail stores, whose owners have registered as wholesale buyers directly with QEW Publishing. While there had been a goal set to have a total of twenty retailers carrying QEW Publishing comics before the end of 2018, that effort has been somewhat diminished due to some abrupt monetary issues at this time. However, the intent to resume this effort will most certainly carry over into 2019.


Unfortunately, QEW Publishing did not release Dark Powers #1 and The Gifted #1 as initially intended. Blood & Silver #4, the latest issue of that 6-part mini-series, and the complied trade paperback edition of the 4-part mini-series Zevon-7, were released instead.  As of now, though, the timing for releasing Dark Powers #1 and The Gifted #1 appears to be aligning just right. Production for Dark Powers #1 has been fully completed and the lettering and editing for The Gifted #1 is nearing its completion as well. There's even now the possibility for the release of a new compilation trade paperback edition of the 3-part mini-series Kristarella. QEW Publishing is proud that each of these comics are currently in the line-up as 2019 1st Quarter New Releases for March 31, 2019.

Sadly, there's been serious slacking off with efforts of promoting QEW Publishing's ongoing, online crowd-funding campaign on Patreon. But a new resurgence of enthusiasm to get back into it has finally occurred. Since the Retailers Round-Up program has finally begun to successfully usher comics into retail stores and new comics are becoming set again to be new releases next year. Patreon's mantle as the primary funding source for aiding to offsetting production and marketing costs has been renewed. Just as what's occurred with the revival of Retailer's Round-Up, the same must happen for the Patreon campaign as well. There must be a way, a method, an event--something that will encourage more people to go online there to support QEW Publishing's efforts by committing a monthly pledge to the reward tiers there. QEW Publishing's Patreon campaign is located via this link right here.


Steven Millage
QEW Publishing happily encountered artist, Steven Millage at this year's Olympic Collectibles Expo, which was held at the Kitsap Mall in Silverdale, Washington. Steven is the penciling illustrator for the graphic horror novel, Arachne. While he's managed to achieve some significant progress on the production, he's hasn't submitted any story art to review for quite some time. He's also been unfortunately incommunicado, too. So it was actually pretty refreshing that it was Steven himself, who not only initiated his re-connection with QEW Publishing at the Expo that day, but also reaffirmed his commitment to complete Arachne's production. Although he confesses in full candor that cannot invest very much time in doing so, as he pursues his own creative ambitions. QEW Publishing can be satisfied enough with that he at least shares the intention to see Arachne's ultimate fruition and publication.


QEW Publishing is keeping a very close eye on the productions for these two comics. There were some concerns that penciling artists, Hakan Aydin and Narayan Baidya, were somewhat beginning to waver on their commitments to complete their respective illustrations. Hakan Aydin is the penciling artist for the action-adventure graphic novel, Repo Katz and Narayan Baidya is the illustrating artist for action-fantasy graphic novel, Magisphere. Both artists have three-fourths of their respective productions nearly completed, but their consistency of submitting their art for review appears to have stalled. After some effort, however, QEW Publishing, has managed to reconnect to them and attain fragile reaffirmations from each of them. Hakan says he remains committed to complete all of the penciling interior story art for Repo Katz and Narayan has agreed that he'll endeavor to complete the remaining penciling art for Magisphere. Even though communications from either of these two individuals is sparse at best, QEW Publishing will remain vigilant and determined to see that illustrations for these two comics are ultimately done. 


QEW Publishing has only attended two comic conventions for all of 2018: WenCon and the Bellingham Comicon. It was already previously reported there would be cutbacks on getting to such events this year, and sadly it appears that it may be the case again for 2019 as well. This is all due to limited resources, mainly funding, and the in-house decision to concentrate expenses more on production, marketing, and distributing costs via the Retailers Round-Up program. There remains some hopeful intent to attend events like the Jet City Comic Show, WenCon and Bellingham Comicon, again, and if at possible, the Lilac City Comicon, but it can only be under the condition of improved funding. QEW Publishing is continuing to work diligently at resolving this issue.


CD Poe
QEW Publishing also happily spoke briefly with artist CD Poe at this year's Olympic Collectibles Expo. He'd indicated that he'd just recently returned to the comic convention circuit after a sabbatical for personal reasons, but was kind enough to share a moment of his time to consider a possible collaboration with QEW Publishing. CD Poe has a unique and fascinating illustrative style. His artwork is currently displayed here. QEW Publishing would like to work with him on a future developing comic book project, Big Green Monster. CD actually seemed somewhat intrigued by the premise for the project and QEW Publishing hopes that he'll eventually become interested enough to produce some conceptual artwork for it. So even though there's no definitive affirmation that's taken place as of now, there's hope a seed has been planted for such a joint venture in the future.


The 2017 4th Quarter edition of QEW Publishing Quarterly had reported that a few of QEW Publishing's in-house projects would be considered to be selected as possible submissions to other publishers. QEW Publishing has been considering submitting proposals to Action Lab Entertainment in order to establish rapport with other creative imprints and initiate openings for new networking ventures. Recently added now to this short list of possible outside publishers is Antarctic Press. There's some serious concern that such an endeavor could develop into something that could become counterproductive to QEW Publishing's own efforts at honoring and supporting it own brand, but the primary purpose of these submissions would simply be to attain some reaffirmation for the quality of QEW Publishing's creations by them being accepted by any third-party publisher. This would also hopefully create an alternative revenue flow for QEW Publishing, too. For now, however, it's merely a matter of selecting the particular projects that would be submitted. There will be more to follow on this.



RETURN OF THE BLOG The QPQ (QEW Publishing Quarterly) 2022 3rd Quarter Edition was actually the last updated edition for this blog. In that...